Lei Tang
Invited Talks
- Beyond Similarities: Lessons Learned from Recommendation at Walmart, UAI Workshop on New Challenges in eCommerce Product Recommendation, 2013.
- Adaptive User Segmentation for Recommendation, GraphLab Workshop on Large Scale Machine Learning, 2013.
- Community Detection for Social
Computing, Social Computing Class @ UC Berkeley, September 2011
- Large Scale Community Detection for Social Computing,
with Implementations in Hadoop, SDForum Software
Architecture and Platform, February 2011 [slides]
- When Social Meets Advertising: Challenges and Findings in
Large-Scale Social Targeting, Arizona State University, December
Seminars (Roughly in reverse
chronological order)
- Recommendation, Targeting and Advertising
- Collective Behavior:
- Community Detection:
- Optimization:
- Sampling Methods:
- Multiple Kernel Learning:
- Statistical Learning Techniques
- Transfer Learning, Multi-Task Learning, Sample Selection Bias
and Semi-Supervised Learning
- Co-Clustering
- HITS: part1,
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